NICK JAMES British Recording Engineer in Tokyo
1980 ロンドン マーカス・ミュージック・スタジオに入社.この間、数多くの有名アーティストとの仕事をこなす.
1986 フリーとして独立.MDM/ヴァージン・ミュージックと、エンジニア/コンポーザー/プロデューサーとして契約.
1987 渡米.ニューヨークで、エンジニア/キーボードプレイヤー/コンポーザーとして活躍.
1989 ビル・ネルソンのプロジェクトのため帰英。エンジニア/キーボ-ドプレイヤー/コンポーザー/プロデューサーとして多くのアーティストとともに働く.
1990 マンディ満ちるのアルバム製作の為初来日。以後、ロンドン、パリ、東京などで、エンジニア、プロデューサーとして活躍する.
~現在 東京に拠点を移し、日本での本格的な活動を開始.現在に至る.
NICK JAMES is a Tokyo based British recording engineer, producer, composer.
He started his career at Marcus studios in London in 1980 starting as an "Tape op"assiting engineers such Mike stone, Eddie Kramer , Gary Langhan, Alex Sadkin, Jerry Boys etc, and started engineering at Marcus after a couple of years.
He's worked on a lot of great 80's album sessions, also done many sessions as a keyboard player.
His recording skill started from the old days of analog recording and goes through to modern digital recording with current Pro tools HDX, with a unique approach using skills mixing both in the analog way & digital .
He has own private studio call [SoundsVoodoo] has great choice of vintage equipment such as Pultec, Teletronix, Telefunken, Neve, etc and some of the latest modern equipment such as Pro tools HDX, Barefoot speaker system, Shadow hills, RetroInstruments, Chandler.
The studio also has a selection of Vintage and modern Keyboards and guitars.
The studio is located in Shimokitazawa which is an artistic area of Tokyo.